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        News — best feeders for attracting hummingbirds

        Hummingbird Nectar Recipes: Attracting and Nourishing Your Winged Guests

        Hummingbird Nectar Recipes: Attracting and Nourishing Your Winged Guests - We Love Hummingbirds

        In this blog post you'll learn different hummingbird nectar recipes and much more.

        There's nothing quite as magical as witnessing the delicate dance of hummingbirds in your garden. These tiny, vibrant creatures are a delight to behold as they flit around, their iridescent feathers catching the sunlight. If you want to invite these enchanting visitors to your outdoor space, providing them with nourishing nectar is the way to go.

        Crafting your own hummingbird nectar is not only simple and cost-effective, but it also ensures that you're offering your feathered friends a wholesome and refreshing treat. Let's explore some hummingbird nectar recipes that will help you attract and nourish these remarkable creatures.

        Looking for an easy to fill feeder?  Checkout this best selling vintage red hummingbird feeder.

        Understanding Hummingbird Nectar

        Before we dive into the recipes, it's important to understand the basics of hummingbird nectar. Hummingbirds primarily feed on flower nectar, which is rich in sugars that provide them with energy. Commercial hummingbird feeders often contain a mixture of water and white granulated sugar. It's crucial to avoid using artificial sweeteners, honey, brown sugar, or other additives, as they can be harmful to hummingbirds.

        Recipe #1: Classic Hummingbird Nectar


        • 1 part white granulated sugar
        • 4 parts water


        1. Boil the water to remove impurities. Allow it to cool to room temperature.
        2. In a clean container, mix the sugar and water in the specified ratios. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
        3. Fill your hummingbird feeder with the nectar mixture and hang it in a suitable location.

        Recipe #2: Enhanced Hummingbird Nectar


        • 1 part white granulated sugar
        • 4 parts water
        • A pinch of turmeric (for color)


        1. Boil the water and allow it to cool to room temperature.
        2. Mix the sugar and water in the specified ratios in a clean container. Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved.
        3. Add a small pinch of turmeric to the nectar mixture. This natural ingredient adds a touch of color to the nectar without harmful dyes.
        4. Fill your hummingbird feeder with the nectar and place it in a location where you can easily observe the visitors.

        Recipe #3: Flower-Infused Hummingbird Nectar


        • 1 part white granulated sugar
        • 4 parts water
        • Edible flower petals (e.g., hibiscus, rose, or lavender)

        Looking for a unique hand blown glass hummingbird feeder?


        1. Boil the water and let it cool to room temperature.
        2. Mix the sugar and water as per the ratios in a clean container. Stir well to dissolve the sugar.
        3. Add a small handful of edible flower petals to the mixture. The petals not only add a subtle flavor but also make the nectar visually appealing.
        4. Fill your feeder with the flower-infused nectar and hang it in a place that receives adequate sunlight and is easily accessible to hummingbirds.

        Tips for Successful Hummingbird Feeding:

        1. Cleanliness Matters: Regularly clean your hummingbird feeders to prevent mold and bacteria buildup. Rinse with hot water and scrub with a bottle brush, avoiding soap or chemical cleaners.

        2. Frequency of Refilling: Hummingbird nectar should be changed every 3 to 5 days, depending on the temperature. In warmer weather, it may spoil more quickly, so monitor the nectar's condition regularly.

          Looking for a rustic styled hummingbird feeder?  How about a mason jar glass hummingbird feeder!
        3. Shade and Sun: Hang your feeders in a spot that provides a mix of shade and sunlight. This helps prevent the nectar from overheating, which can be harmful to hummingbirds.

        4. Placement: Place feeders near flowering plants to provide a natural food source and create an inviting environment for hummingbirds.

        5. Avoid Red Dye: While some commercial nectars are red to attract hummingbirds, it's best to avoid adding red dye to your homemade nectar. The dye may be harmful to these delicate creatures.

        6. Be Patient: It might take a little time for hummingbirds to discover your feeder. Once they do, they'll become frequent visitors.

        7. Plant Native Plants: To complement your nectar feeders, consider planting native flowers that provide a natural source of food for hummingbirds.

        By offering homemade nectar using these recipes, you're providing hummingbirds with a reliable and nutritious source of energy. Additionally, your garden will likely become a haven for these delightful visitors, allowing you to witness their vibrant beauty up close.

        Here's one of our best selling glass hummingbird feeders.

        Remember, creating a welcoming environment for hummingbirds goes beyond just providing food—planting suitable flowers, offering water sources, and maintaining a safe space are all part of ensuring these tiny wonders feel at home in your garden. So, gather your ingredients, mix up some nectar, and prepare to be amazed as these miniature marvels grace your outdoor space with their presence.

        Photographing Hummingbirds: Techniques for Capturing Their Ephemeral Beauty

        Photographing Hummingbirds: Techniques for Capturing Their Ephemeral Beauty - We Love Hummingbirds

        In this blog post you'll learn tips and tricks on how to taking breathtaking hummingbird photographs, and much more.

        The flutter of iridescent wings, the delicate hum in the air – capturing the beauty of hummingbirds through the lens of a camera is a thrilling endeavor for photographers.

        These tiny avian wonders possess a unique allure, but their rapid movements and elusive behavior can make photographing them a challenging yet rewarding experience. If you're eager to embark on this enchanting photographic journey, here are some techniques to help you capture the ephemeral beauty of hummingbirds.

        Choose the Right Equipment

        Before you head out to photograph hummingbirds, it's essential to have the right gear. A camera with manual settings and interchangeable lenses is preferable for greater control over your shots. A telephoto lens with a focal length between 200mm and 600mm will allow you to capture close-up shots without disturbing the birds. A tripod or monopod will help stabilize your camera, especially when using longer lenses.

        Want to attract more hummingbirds?  Checkout this best selling hummingbird feeder.

        Create an Attractive Setup

        Hummingbirds are attracted to brightly colored flowers and feeders filled with nectar. To increase your chances of capturing these elusive birds, set up an enticing environment. Place colorful flowers or feeders in a location with good natural light. Using a shallow depth of field to blur the background can make the hummingbird stand out more prominently in your shots.

        Bring your love inside with one of our hummingbird canvases

        Patience is Key

        Photographing hummingbirds requires patience and persistence. These birds are known for their rapid movements and erratic flight patterns, making it challenging to predict their behavior. Spend time observing their habits and flight paths to anticipate their movements and positioning. A comfortable chair or cushion can make long hours of waiting more enjoyable.

        Optimize Camera Settings

        To freeze the rapid motion of hummingbirds, adjust your camera settings accordingly. Use a fast shutter speed (at least 1/1000 or higher) to capture their wings in sharp detail. Set your camera to continuous or burst mode to capture a series of shots in quick succession. Consider using aperture priority mode (usually denoted as "Av" on your camera) to control the depth of field and allow the camera to adjust the shutter speed accordingly.

        Focus on Autofocus

        Given the hummingbird's rapid movements, using autofocus is crucial. Set your camera's autofocus to track moving subjects, often labeled as "AI Servo" on Canon cameras or "AF-C" on Nikon cameras. This mode helps your camera continuously adjust focus as the hummingbird moves, ensuring your shots remain sharp.

        Looking for the perfect gift?  Why not a hummingbird necklace.

        Frame Creatively

        When composing your shots, consider different angles and perspectives. Experiment with various compositions, such as capturing the bird in profile, while feeding, or in flight. Incorporating elements of the environment, such as flowers or branches, can add depth and context to your images. Be patient and wait for the perfect moment when the hummingbird's pose and the background align harmoniously.

        Lighting Matters

        Lighting plays a crucial role in photography, and hummingbirds are no exception. Shooting during the golden hours of early morning or late afternoon provides soft, flattering light that enhances the bird's colors. Overcast days can also be advantageous, as the clouds act as natural diffusers, minimizing harsh shadows and creating a more even lighting situation.

        Be Mindful of Ethical Photography

        While capturing captivating shots is the goal, it's essential to prioritize the well-being of the birds and their habitats. Avoid getting too close to their nests or feeders, as this can disturb their natural behavior. Use your presence to educate others about the importance of conserving these delicate creatures and their environments.

        Post-Processing Magic

        Once you've captured your hummingbird shots, post-processing can help enhance their visual appeal. Adjusting contrast, saturation, and sharpness can bring out the vibrant colors and intricate details of the birds. Be cautious not to over-edit, though, as natural beauty often shines brightest.

        Here's the perfect hummingbird swing to help you capture these amazing creatures.

        A Journey of Delicate Beauty

        Photographing hummingbirds requires a blend of technical skill, patience, and artistic vision. As you embark on this journey to capture their ephemeral beauty, remember that every shot you take is a tribute to the delicate wonders of nature. Through your lens, you can freeze these fleeting moments, allowing others to marvel at the intricacies of these tiny creatures.

        From selecting the right equipment to honing your camera settings and perfecting your timing, photographing hummingbirds is a skill that demands both dedication and an appreciation for the delicate dance of life. As you immerse yourself in this world of wings and nectar, you'll discover a newfound admiration for the enchanting world of hummingbirds.